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Sunday, June 19, 2011

How to make your website SEO friendly?

The most repeating questions from lots of website owners and many web designer is - "How I can make website SEO friendly?".My answer to all of them is its not a Rocket Science the simple trick is think from the point of view of users and then design your website.

User will be coming to your website for the information, services or product.But in return if he is getting all the super-design flashy website but no actual information he is looking slowly it will effect your website rank.

But being a web-designer or owner of website few things that we should keep in mind while making website are:-

- Be creative with the Title tags - Make your every page title tags unique and limited in characters, do not over-stuffed your title tags with keywords.

- Make the meta description of the pages unique and more user information specific rather then Keyword stuffing.

- Although he should avoid using heavy images and lots of images but when you are using images make sure to keep the keyword oriented file name of the image as it helps in the images SEO and also try to play with the alt tag instead of stuffing keywords in the alt tag try to make long phrase alt tag having 1-3 keywords.

- Google has started supporting Flash officially, but try not to make major part in the flash

- Content should not be the copied from other websites and also not to be full of Keywords.The new Google algorithm updation is clear about the content duplicity and with banned your website

- Always try to make the page speed to the minimum as the page speed also affect the SEO rank.

- Do not fill your page with keyword anchor links.

- Always look for the domains those are old registered as it will help you in getting a boost on search engines.

These are the few TO-DO while making your website.
If you have anything more to add please share your views.


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